Friday, December 19, 2008

What's New?

I'm so bad about updating this thing.

I've had a hard time falling asleep lately. The past few nights have been spent half- heartedly writing screenplays or epic action stories, watching The Facts of Life on Hulu and eating cereal until the wee hours of the morning. I don't know what it is. I've just felt really restless and anxious. Maybe NYFA is making me a little nervous.

I stage managed a show in Brooklyn last night. By the time the show was over and I got back into the city, it was already past 2AM, so I decided to crash at my mom's place and sleep in my old room. I'm glad my mom isn't moving to FL anymore. I can still come over whenever I want, and she said when she's away I can invite friends over. My mom is awesome!

In the improv world, one of my teacher/coach/mentor/friends Joe Wengert is moving to LA. I'm sad that he's leaving, but I signed up for his 600 class in January (my third 600. Yikes!). It sounds like a great class. So far, I know that both my roommates are in it, as well as my friends Bridget, Katey, Matt Little (hopefully) and Benjamin Apple. I can't wait!

I got an XBOX 360 for Hannukah! Oh happy day!

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